Friday 28 November 2014

What to do now?

Many of the wedding decorations are now finding new places to live! I had to be quite ruthless and am only keeping a selection of things.  Here is how my fireplace is now looking. ..

Saturday 8 November 2014

The wedding day

The wedding day was such a wonderful day, we had so much fun enjoying the result of all the planning and creating. Now I can put up a picture of my amazing wedding dress which was made by my very talented sister Katie, of duxbury designs. She also made the bridesmaid dresses, which were multicoloured just as I wanted to match the colours of my dress. There picture of the bridesmaids here is from the day before, so they looked even better on the day, but I don't have a picture of them from the day to post yet.  The veil I am wearing is one part of my outfit that I did make, but haven't been able to share it on the blog until now, in case the unsuspecting husband to be found it by accident

The church

The chair end decorations and the bunting I made for the church finished it off just right! I liked how the one string of bunting looked like three because of the lighting I the church. I had some other decorations that didn't fit the general colour scheme but we used to decorate the church hall where people would have cakes and drinks after the service.

The barn

It was so much fun finally being able to put everything together in the barn as I've been planning for so long. Everything came together just as planned and my team to helpers were so good at arranging things how I wanted, and adding some of heir own creativity too.

Action stations!

All ready to go the day before the wedding. This is all the stuff ready in the lounge to decorate the church and the barn. It's amazing how much space it takes up, I made so much stuff I'd forgotten what much of it was!

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Rice crispie buns

Making some rice crispie buns for my contribution to cakes after the ceremony!

Sunday 26 October 2014

Favours and table plans

Wedding week is here! Time to put together the things I've been plotting for so long!

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Photo frame

Here is a frame that was made for me for the hen party.  It was pink, so I redesigned it into the wedding colour scheme so it can get a second outing.

Monday 29 September 2014

Hen party dress

The dress that I wore for my hen party is one that I bought but adjusted. I altered the neckline and added nice ribbons. The headdress and sash were made by Katie of Duxbury designs

Pre-wedding party

Today we're having a party in Scotland so we could invite many people that we couldn't invite to the actual wedding. I've used some of my wedding decorations to decorate the house, so it's been a fun practice of setting up! The flowers were made by Katie Duxbury of Duxbury designs and were Lent to me for the occasion, but I made everything else

Sunday 17 August 2014

some experimental decorating in the barn

I met the florist in the barn where the reception will be held. I took along some of my jars and bunting and she brought some sample flowers. I think it will look excellent when the whole thing is decorated

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Treasure hunt and challenges

I have made a board of origami instructions for people who are that way inclined, and stuck my practice hearts and flowers to the board to decorate it. Also I have printed off my treasure hunt and challenges information sheet. I printed the instructions onto paper that I had stained with tea bags to give it 'ye olde pirate treasure hunt' look!

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Sunday 3 August 2014

More pin the pony tail

I decided to add another layer of more colourful paint. Quite pleased with how it looks

Saturday 2 August 2014

More silly games

I hope people will get into the spirit of this one rather than being boring. It's for the new fabulous game of 'pin the pony tail on the bride groom'. With a long haired fiancé what bride could resist having this game at her wedding! Not sure whether to colour in the picture or leave it like this. I quite like how it looks here. The first picture is my practice sketch and the second one is the full size painting

Sweets for the favours

My favourite sweets at the moment happen to fit the colour scheme so they're going to be in the favours. They're surprisingly difficult to come by in the shops so I bought a large packet on the internet

Origami hearts and flowers

I'm planning to set up some games and challenges for people to entertain themselves with at the wedding if they want. One idea is to put some origami things out. I had a go at making some to find some good instructions. The hearts are quite easy but roses were tricky!

Monday 21 July 2014

The treasure chest continued

Time for a lick of paint and some golden straps! I also used some split pins for some more nice golden detail. It looks a bit messy inside though, might have to do something about that next

Thursday 17 July 2014

Treasure chest

At the reception there will be an optional treasure hunt for any keen guests! And you can't have a treasure hunt without treasure at the end. I found a toy box in a shop and am now using paper mache to decorate it. Still much to do but here it is in progress

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Guest book

Here is a book I have decorated to use as a guest book for people to write messages in if they want to. I put it together in the same style as the invitations so it all matches.

Monday 30 June 2014

Bunting and favours

The wedding preparations have been in full swing this weekend. Suits are ordered, as are the all important rings! More invitations distributed too.

I've started preparing some things for mass production of favours closer to the wedding. I've cut up cellophane into squares, ready to wrap up some yummy sweets and attach the place labels i've been creating.

This evening I have also competed some more bunting. My sister gave me some triangles she cut out some time ago, and I have sewn them onto a ribbon with her sewing machine which I have borrowed. The colours aren't in keeping with the general theme, but I thought they will come in useful some where

Monday 12 May 2014

Lantern with lights and seating plan board

I put some lights in the lantern and think they look splendid. I think it would make a nice arrangement in the courtyard perhaps. Also I have recycled some birthday cards by cutting out some pretty designs that I plan to use to decorate the seating plan board